Art on my Mind: Visual Politics


By bell hooks
The New Press, 1995
Paperback, 8.5 x 5.5 in.
240 pages

WPA Note:
In this book, bell hooks positions artists as intellectuals, a belief central to WPA's work. hooks focuses her writing on artists concerned with black liberation and identity politics, both topics that inform many of our recent and upcoming projects including Black Women as/and the Living Archive organized by Tsedaye Makonnen and Being/Becoming: Black Women & the Art of Portraiture organized by Yacine Tilala Fall.

In Art on My Mind, bell hooks, a leading cultural critic, responds to the ongoing dialogues about producing, exhibiting, and criticizing art and aesthetics in an art world increasingly concerned with identity politics. Always concerned with the liberatory black struggle, hooks positions her writings on visual politics within the ever-present question of how art can be an empowering and revolutionary force within the black community.

About the Author(s):
bell hooks is an American author, professor, feminist, and social activist. The focus of hooks's writing has been the intersectionality of race, capitalism, and gender, and what she describes as their ability to produce and perpetuate systems of oppression and class domination. She has published more than 30 books and numerous scholarly articles, appeared in documentary films, and participated in public lectures. She has addressed race, class, gender, art, history, sexuality, mass media, and feminism. In 2014, she founded the bell hooks Institute at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky.

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