Toolkit for Cooperative, Collective, & Collaborative Cultural Work

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By Kimi Hanauer
Press Press & Institute for Expanded Research, 2020
Paperback, 8.07 x 8.07 in.
48 pages

WPA Note:
This book is a part of our "On Gathering" series.

Toolkit for Cooperative, Collective, & Collaborative Cultural Work explores the challenges of collective cultural work and shares processes, advice, and resources on overcoming various cultural, financial, and structural obstacles. In centering collective working methods that are so counter to the ideologies and frameworks that are encountered daily in a capitalist society, Toolkit aims to honor and embrace our fundamental interconnectivity and interdependence as human beings. Toolkit is initiated and composed by Kimi Hanauer using notes, transcriptions, and audio recordings from the workshops and additional research. Toolkit is edited by Lu Zhang and copyedited by Rebekah Kirkman. The digital publication is designed and engineered by Eleni Agapis and the print publication is designed by Kimi Hanauer.

About the Author(s):
Contributors: Kimi Hanauer, Lu Zhang, Allie Linn, Amy Reid, Bonnie Jones, C Kim (E'NB), E Cadoux, Tanya Garcia, Georgia McCandlish, Adriana Monsalve, Haniel Wides, Jacob Marley, Joseph Lee, Khadija Adell, Lu Zhang, Markele Cullins, N'Deye Diakhate, Priya Bhayana, Rose Buttress, Valentina Cabezas, Bomin Jeon, and Bilphena Yahwon

Toolkit is based on two workshops which gathered Allie Linn, Amy Reid, Bonnie Jones, C Kim (E'NB), E Cadoux, Tanya Garcia, Georgia McCandlish, Adriana Monsalve, Haniel Wides, Jacob Marley, Joseph Lee, Khadija Adell, Lu Zhang, Markele Cullins, N'Deye Diakhate, Priya Bhayana, and Rose Buttress. The workshops were facilitated by Valentina Cabezas, Kimi Hanauer, Bomin Jeon, and Bilphena Yahwon. Kimi Hanauer, the organizer of Toolkit, is a cultural - and media - based organizer, facilitator, and artist currently based in Los Angeles. Hanauer is also a founding collective member of Press Press, a publishing initiative that aims to deepend the understanding of narratives that have been suppressed or misrepresented by the mainstream.

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